Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday thrift haul!

So today since the weather was really nasty I wanted to take it easy and do a little light thrifting.  I hit my usual spots (DAV, Goodwill, Family Thrift) and didn't spend much time looking through the racks since i had both my children with me.  Thrift shopping gets really tricky when you have a diva-licious five year old and a two year old having a meltdown in the cart. -_- Soooo, I'm almost certain someone is walking out with my totally awesome find today, but I digress, I did find this amazing vintage full sequin jacket!  WOOOT WOOOOT!!!!!!  I can't wait to wear it out for drinks with the ladies!
I ran across this bag in Family Thrift, I know a year of two ago they were really popular in the deep south, but guess who's gonna attempt to bring 'em back in style???  This girl.
After Lydia saw my sequin jacket she found a sequin vest and HAD to have it.... :)
All in all i spent about $16.00 total for everything.  I win again.


Today was so gloomy! It was rather chilly outside this morning, maybe the low 70s, perfect excuse to rock a sweater in the summer! This neon sweater came from Forever 21x the hot punk braided faux leather belt comes from H&M, and the blue slacks were gifted to me from a friend, but you can find the in New York and Co. Now I'm all ready to go thrifting!